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7.6 Testing

The mpatrol library has several features that make it useful when testing a program's dynamic memory allocations. These are features that do not help in fixing an existing bug, but rather help to identify additional bugs that may be lurking in your code.

It is possible to set a simulated upper limit on the amount of heap memory available to a process with the LIMIT option, which accepts a size in bytes, but will be disabled when it is zero. This can be extremely useful for testing a program under simulated low memory conditions to see how it handles such errors. Of course, you should set the heap limit to a value less than the amount of actual available memory otherwise this option will have no effect. Note that the mpatrol library may use up a small amount of heap memory when it initialises itself1 so the value passed to the LIMIT option may need to be set slightly higher than you would normally expect.

It is also possible to instruct the mpatrol library to randomly fail a certain number of memory allocations so that you can further test error handling code in a program. The frequency at which failures occur can be controlled with the FAILFREQ option, where a value of zero means that no failures will occur, but any other value will randomly cause failures. For example, a value of `10' will cause roughly one in ten failures and a value of `1' will cause every memory allocation to fail. The random sequence can be made predictable by using the FAILSEED option. If this is non-zero then the same program run with the same failure frequency and same failure seed will fail on exactly the same memory allocations. If this is zero then the failure seed will itself be set randomly, but you can see its value when the summary is displayed at program termination.

When running batch tests2 it is sometimes useful to be able to detect if there have been any memory leaks. Such leaks should normally be distinguished from code which has purposely not freed the memory that it allocated, so there may be a certain expected number of unfreed allocations at program termination. It may be that you would like to highlight any additional unfreed allocations since they may be due to real memory leaks, so the UNFREEDABORT option can be set to a threshold number of expected unfreed allocations. If the library detects a number of unfreed allocations higher than this then it will abort the program at termination so that it fails. All tests that fail in this way can then be examined after the test suite finishes.


[1] Actually, it's not really the mpatrol library that uses the memory but the object file access libraries since they call malloc() to allocate any memory that they require.

[2] A set of tests that run without user intervention.