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12 Heap corruption

There can be many causes of heap corruption in a program and there can be many forms in which it can appear. This chapter attempts to describe the most appropriate ways to narrow down and remove the causes of the most common forms of heap corruption. Note that errors such as freeing an allocated block twice are not considered in this chapter even though they would result in heap corruption in a normal malloc library — the mpatrol library catches these special cases so you know exactly where they occur.

The three forms of errors we are going to look at are heap corruption in free memory blocks, freed memory blocks and overflow buffers. As you will soon see, the same piece of faulty code can produce any one of these errors depending on which mpatrol library options you use. The following discussion assumes that you have run your program with the mpatrol library and you get an `ALLOVF', `FRDCOR', `FRDOVF' or `FRECOR' error in the mpatrol log file when your program terminates. It also assumes that you haven't set the MPATROL_OPTIONS environment variable yet.

By default, the only times the mpatrol library will check the heap for memory corruption are when it terminates or when __mp_check() is called (but the latter won't be happening since you won't have modified your program yet). This isn't good enough for errors such as these so we need to instruct it to make checks whenever an mpatrol library function is called. The CHECK option controls when such automated checks occur, and this can normally be set to CHECK=- to check the heap whenever a call to an mpatrol library function is made.

However, in programs which take a long time to execute, or programs which make a large number of memory allocations, this can slow the program down quite a bit so you might want to try the optional `/freq' argument to the CHECK option. This simply instructs the mpatrol library to make the checks every freq calls to the mpatrol library functions rather than every call. For example, CHECK=/10 will make the checks every 10 calls, which will reduce the slowdown in the program but will still help narrow down where the heap corruption is occurring.

We'll use the following program as a running example for the discussions below, although you'll probably be following them using your program instead of this one. It contains a small bug that doesn't normally show up when using the system C library but causes a `FRECOR' error when linked with mpatrol.

      1  /*
      2   * A program which causes heap corruption.
      3   */
      6  #include <stdio.h>
      7  #include "mpatrol.h"
     10  int main(void)
     11  {
     12      char *p[128];
     13      size_t i;
     15      for (i = 0; i < 128; i++)
     16      {
     17          if ((p[i] = (char *) malloc(9)) == NULL)
     18          {
     19              fputs("out of memory\n", stderr);
     20              exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
     21          }
     22          sprintf(p[i], "test%lu", i * 100);
     23          puts(p[i]);
     24          free(p[i]);
     25      }
     26      return EXIT_SUCCESS;
     27  }

We get the following error in the mpatrol log file when we run with the above example linked to the mpatrol library. The error occurs when the program returns from main() since that is when the mpatrol library is terminating.

     ERROR: [FRECOR]: free memory corruption at 0x0002A571
             0x0002A571  00555555 555555                      .UUUUUU

If we run with the CHECK=- option then the above error occurs at line 24 when the variable i is 100, which is slightly better since we've narrowed down where the fault is.

Assuming all goes well, your program should now also terminate at an earlier point, with the mpatrol library still reporting the same heap corruption error in the log file. If not, it could be that the heap is being corrupted after the last call to the mpatrol library is made, or if you get a different error then the original heap corruption might have been as a result of the earlier error. In either case you can still proceed with the following instructions.

If you look at the summary of statistics that were produced in the mpatrol log file before the error was displayed you will see an entry for `allocation count'. The number following it is the number of memory allocations that were made before the error occurred. Remember this number because you can use this information with the CHECK option so that checks for heap corruption are only made after a certain number of memory allocations. However, you'll probably want to subtract a few allocations just to be sure (or in case you are running a multithreaded program that does not produce the same allocation count every time it is run). That way, you don't need to check the entire heap. For example, if the allocation count was 178, try setting the CHECK=170-190 option so that your program will run at a reasonable speed up to that point (although make sure that it still gives the same error at the same point). There is nothing worse than debugging a problem that takes forever to reproduce.

In our example, the allocation count given is 123 (excerpt given below) and running with CHECK=120-125 gives the same behaviour as when we ran with CHECK=- (except that we got to the error slightly faster).

     symbols read:      5059
     autosave count:    0
     freed queue size:  0
     allocation count:  123
     allocation peak:   8 (11117 bytes)
     allocation limit:  0 bytes
     allocated blocks:  7 (1374 bytes)

So we now have the allocation index of the last successful memory allocation before the heap corruption occurred, and we can safely run the program without performing heap checks up to that point. If the error was not `FRECOR' then there will also be information displayed in the mpatrol log file about the associated memory allocation that was corrupted. If the error was `FRECOR' then quickly try to see if you can convert it to a `FRDCOR' error or a `FRDOVF' error by also running with the NOFREE option. You may have to use the relevant allocation index as an argument to the NOFREE option just in case it was the very first memory allocation that was freed and corrupted, but remember that the NOFREE option may cause your program to use up a lot more memory and so it might be unfeasible to use. Running with the NOFREE=123 option in our example has no effect.

One of the most common causes of heap corruption is to erroneously write beyond the bounds of a memory allocation. This can corrupt the bytes directly before and/or after the allocated bytes and can be detected by placing overflow buffers on either side of the memory allocation with the OFLOWSIZE option. By default, the mpatrol library does not make use of overflow buffers so you have to explicitly turn them on, giving the number of bytes to use for each overflow buffer (which must a be power of two) as the argument to the OFLOWSIZE option. In our example, if we use the OFLOWSIZE=4 option, the `FRECOR' error turns into an `ALLOVF' error, thus providing us with more information (and also that the heap corruption is due to a write beyond the end of a memory allocation).

     ERROR: [ALLOVF]: allocation 0x0002A5A0 has a corrupted overflow buffer at
             0x0002A5A9  00AAAAAA                             .ªªª
         0x0002A5A0 (9 bytes) {malloc:123:0} [main|test.c|17]
             0x0001372C main+88
             0x000135A4 _start+100

Sometimes it's not just a immediate overflow that can occur. For example, if not enough memory has been allocated for a structure variable and then the last field of the structure is assigned to, the memory corruption may occur much further away than the few bytes surrounding the allocation. In this case it may be useful to try varying the argument given to the OFLOWSIZE option since it is possible to convert otherwise unhelpful `FRECOR' errors into `ALLOVF', `FRDCOR' or `FRDOVF' errors which describe the memory allocation that was affected. Also, depending on the bytes that are being written to corrupt the heap, you may find it helpful to change the values of the free bytes and overflow bytes that the mpatrol library uses to perform heap integrity checks, just in case there are illegal bytes being written that are going unnoticed when the heap is being checked. In our example, if the OFLOWBYTE=0 option is used then the heap corruption is hidden completely and we don't get an error at all!

Hopefully, we now know as much as possible about where the heap corruption is happening (i.e. the details of the allocated or freed memory block that is affected, or the free memory block if we are unlucky) and also when it is happening (i.e. after which allocation index). We now have several choices on how to narrow the problem down to a specific source line.

On systems with virtual memory we can make use of the PAGEALLOC option in order to write-protect a page of virtual memory on either side of each memory allocation. This option takes up a lot more memory since each memory allocation will occupy at least 3 pages of virtual memory no matter how small it is, and on systems with a page size of 8192 bytes that equates to a minimum 24 kilobytes of memory per allocation! However, if that is still feasible for the particular program that is causing the heap corruption then we can proceed by first setting the PAGEALLOC=LOWER option. That aligns each memory allocation to a page boundary so that any underwrites occurring before the allocation will be trapped and cause the program to crash. This can be caught in a debugger which will show the exact source line that attempted to perform the illegal write to memory (assuming it is a symbolic debugger and the program was compiled with debugging information).

In our example, running with this option doesn't provide us with any more information since the heap corruption was occurring beyond the end of the memory allocation and not before the start. In this case we need to use the PAGEALLOC=UPPER option to align the end of each memory allocation to a page boundary so that any overwrites occurring after the allocation will be trapped and cause the program to crash. Unfortunately, using this option still doesn't help in our example, so what's wrong?

The mpatrol library must align each new general-purpose memory allocation to an address that allows the processor to access the datatypes that may be stored there. This is typically 4 bytes on 32-bit processors and 8 bytes on 64-bit processors, but a few processor architectures (such as the Intel x86) allow the processor to read misaligned data at a performance cost. This is in direct conflict with the PAGEALLOC=UPPER option, which would like to align the end of each memory allocation to a page boundary no matter what the size of the allocation is. However, if we use the DEFALIGN=1 option in our example we can get the desired effect with the PAGEALLOC=UPPER option.

     ERROR: [ILLMEM]: illegal memory access at address 0x00052000
         0x00051FF7 (9 bytes) {malloc:123:0} [main|test.c|17]
             0x0001372C main+88
             0x000135A4 _start+100
         call stack
             0x7FA808E8 sprintf+64
             0x000137B4 main+224
             0x000135A4 _start+100

Running this in a debugger shows that the failure occurs at line 22 in our example since we didn't allocate enough memory at line 17. We can also achieve the same effect on systems that support software watchpoints by using the OFLOWWATCH option. This uses the same amount of memory as the OFLOWSIZE option but can run very slowly as every single memory access is checked by the system. Note that the `FRDCOR' and `FRECOR' errors do not occur when using the PAGEALLOC option since they will become illegal memory accesses instead.

If you don't have the luxury of being able to use the mpatrol options that take advantage of virtual memory protection, you can still use more traditional means of finding the error.

The chapter that describes how to use mpatrol (see Using mpatrol) contains a section on how to pause at specific memory allocation events in a debugger (see Using with a debugger). Since we know what the allocation index of the last successful allocation was we can use the debugger to set a watchpoint on the address of the memory corruption so that it can trap the instruction that changes it. Doing this is effectively the same as using the PAGEALLOC or OFLOWWATCH options. There is a detailed tutorial on how to do this in GDB in the aforementioned section of the manual.

If the debugger option isn't available to you either then you can try locating the problem by modifying your code. You should know where the last successful memory allocation was made from the steps taken at the start of this chapter. Using this knowledge, you should be able to work out the range of code that is causing the heap corruption. Then you can add calls to __mp_check() at strategic points within that range so that you can narrow down where the heap corruption is coming from. If you display a unique message after each call to __mp_check() then you should be able to narrow it down quite quickly by monitoring which messages get displayed.

You might also find it helpful to make calls to __mp_memorymap() so that you can keep track of the location of each memory allocation in the heap, and so that you can tell which allocations neighbour each other. Turning on the LOGMEMORY option with the __mp_setoption() function might also help you see what is going on if there are a lot of calls to the memory operation functions. Finally, if you are using the GNU compiler then the -fcheck-memory-usage option might come in handy if you can recompile the source files that you think might contain the problem. However, the error may be hidden behind a call to a library function that is not compiled with that option, as is the case with our example.

Another slightly less common problem associated with heap corruption is when the contents of a memory allocation have been overwritten unexpectedly but do not overflow its boundaries. This is not a misuse of the heap and so mpatrol will not report any errors or warnings, but it may be an error in the user's code. The heapdiff tool (see heapdiff) provided in libmptools has an option called HD_CONTENTS which allows the entire live contents of the heap to be written to disk and then compared when heapdiffend() is called. Every single difference (at the byte level) in each memory allocation is reported and this information can be extremely useful in narrowing down heap corruption. However, the HD_CONTENTS option will require a lot of disk space if the heap is very large.

To conclude, the mpatrol library contains a wide variety of options and functions that you can add to your debugging toolkit, but only if you know how to use them correctly. Hopefully, after reading this chapter you will feel slightly more confident about knowing how to slay those heap corruption demons.